Package inra.ijpb.morphology

Mathematical Morphology filters and reconstructions.

This package contains several classes for computing various morphological filtering operations (such as dilation, erosion, opening, top-hats...) as well as operators based on morphological reconstruction of images.

Morphological filtering involves structuring elements of various shapes. Most of the processing is done by the structuring elements themselves. The interface Strel defines the general contract for structuring element, and the class Morphology contains static methods corresponding to each classical operation.

The class Reconstruction performs morphological reconstruction of a grayscale marker image within a grayscale mask image. This class is used by the two plugins FillHolesPlugin and KillBordersPlugin. More specialized algorithms are provided in the geodrec package

Another common task is the detection of regional minima or maxima. A more powerful approach is to use extended minima or maxima, by specifying a parameter of dynamic that allows to focus on relevant extrema. Static methods are provided in the MinimaAndMaxima and MinimaAndMaxima3D classes.

  • Interface Summary
    Interface Description
    Interface for planar structuring elements.
    Structuring element that process 3D stack.
  • Class Summary
    Class Description
    Several static methods for computation of attribute filtering (opening, thinning...) on gray level images.
    Implements various flood-fill algorithms, for planar images.
    Implements various flood-fill algorithms for 3D stacks.
    GeodesicReconstruction Deprecated.
    replaced by the Reconstruction class (2017.07.25)
    GeodesicReconstruction3D Deprecated.
    replaced by the Reconstruction class (2017.07.25)
    LabelImages Deprecated.
    as from 2014.11.03, replaced by class inra.ijpb.label.LabelImages
    A collection of static methods for computing regional and extended minima and maxima.
    A collection of static methods for computing regional and extended minima and maxima on 3D stacks.
    Collection of static methods for morphological filters, as well as an enumeration of available methods.
    Morphological reconstruction for grayscale or binary images.
    Morphological reconstruction for 8-bits grayscale or binary stacks.
  • Enum Summary
    Enum Description
    A pre-defined set of basis morphological operations, that can be easily used with a GenericDialog.
    An enumeration of the different possible structuring element shapes.
    An enumeration of the different possible structuring element shapes.