Class GeodesicReconstructionByDilation3DGray8

All Implemented Interfaces:
Algo, GeodesicReconstruction3DAlgo

public class GeodesicReconstructionByDilation3DGray8
extends GeodesicReconstruction3DAlgoStub
Geodesic reconstruction by dilation for 3D stacks of byte processors, using hybrid algorithm and implemented only for 26 connectivity.
David Legland
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class inra.ijpb.morphology.geodrec.GeodesicReconstruction3DAlgoStub

    showProgress, showStatus, verbose
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Creates a new instance of geodesic reconstruction by dilation algorithm, using the default connectivity 6.
    GeodesicReconstructionByDilation3DGray8​(int connectivity)
    Creates a new instance of geodesic reconstruction by dilation algorithm, that specifies the connectivity to use.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    ij.ImageStack applyTo​(ij.ImageStack marker, ij.ImageStack mask)
    Run the reconstruction by dilation algorithm using the images specified as argument.
    ij.ImageStack applyTo​(ij.ImageStack marker, ij.ImageStack mask, ij.ImageStack binaryMask)
    Applies the geodesic reconstruction algorithm to the input marker and mask images, restricted by a binary mask.
    ij.ImageStack applyToOld​(ij.ImageStack marker, ij.ImageStack mask)
    Run the reconstruction by dilation algorithm using the images specified as argument.
    ij.ImageStack applyToTmp​(ij.ImageStack marker, ij.ImageStack mask)
    Run the reconstruction by dilation algorithm using the images specified as argument.

    Methods inherited from class inra.ijpb.morphology.geodrec.GeodesicReconstruction3DAlgoStub

    getConnectivity, setConnectivity

    Methods inherited from class inra.ijpb.algo.AlgoStub

    addAlgoListener, removeAlgoListener

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface inra.ijpb.algo.Algo

    addAlgoListener, removeAlgoListener
  • Constructor Details

    • GeodesicReconstructionByDilation3DGray8

      public GeodesicReconstructionByDilation3DGray8()
      Creates a new instance of geodesic reconstruction by dilation algorithm, using the default connectivity 6.
    • GeodesicReconstructionByDilation3DGray8

      public GeodesicReconstructionByDilation3DGray8​(int connectivity)
      Creates a new instance of geodesic reconstruction by dilation algorithm, that specifies the connectivity to use.
      connectivity - the 3D connectivity to use (either 6 or 26)
  • Method Details

    • applyToTmp

      public ij.ImageStack applyToTmp​(ij.ImageStack marker, ij.ImageStack mask)
      Run the reconstruction by dilation algorithm using the images specified as argument.
      marker - the image used as marker for reconstruction
      mask - the image used to constrain the reconstruction
      the result of geodesic reconstruction
    • applyTo

      public ij.ImageStack applyTo​(ij.ImageStack marker, ij.ImageStack mask)
      Run the reconstruction by dilation algorithm using the images specified as argument.
      marker - the image used as marker for reconstruction
      mask - the image used to constrain the reconstruction
      the result of geodesic reconstruction
    • applyToOld

      public ij.ImageStack applyToOld​(ij.ImageStack marker, ij.ImageStack mask)
      Run the reconstruction by dilation algorithm using the images specified as argument.
      marker - the image used as marker for reconstruction
      mask - the image used to constrain the reconstruction
      the result of geodesic reconstruction
    • applyTo

      public ij.ImageStack applyTo​(ij.ImageStack marker, ij.ImageStack mask, ij.ImageStack binaryMask)
      Description copied from interface: GeodesicReconstruction3DAlgo
      Applies the geodesic reconstruction algorithm to the input marker and mask images, restricted by a binary mask.
      marker - image used to initialize the reconstruction
      mask - image used to constrain the reconstruction
      binaryMask - binary mask to restrict the region of application
      the geodesic reconstruction of marker image constrained by mask image