Package inra.ijpb.morphology.strel
A collection of Structuring Element ("Strel") implementations for mathematical morphology.
Contains the implementation of several types of structuring elements. The packages tries to takes advantage of the separability property of most structuring elements.The package can be divided into:
- Specialization Strel interfaces:
- Abstract classes for facilitating implementations:
- Final Strel implementations:
... - Utility classes that manage local extremum:
Interface Summary Interface Description InPlaceStrel A structuring element that can performs erosion or dilation directly in the original image buffer.InPlaceStrel3D A structuring element that can performs erosion or dilation directly in the original image stack.LocalExtremum Computes the extremum in a local sliding neighborhood of the current pixel.SeparableStrel Interface for structuring elements that can be decomposed into several "simpler" structuring elements.SeparableStrel3D Interface for structuring elements that can be decomposed into several "simpler" structuring elements. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractInPlaceStrel Implementation stub for in place Structuring elements.AbstractInPlaceStrel3D Implementation stub for in place 3D Structuring elements.AbstractSeparableStrel Implementation stub for separable Structuring elements.AbstractSeparableStrel3D Implementation stub for separable 3D Structuring elements.AbstractStrel Implementation basis for planar structuring elements.AbstractStrel3D Implementation basis for 3D structuring elementsBallStrel A 3D structuring element with a ball shape, with same size in each direction.ChamferStrel Disk-shaped structuring element based on a chamfer mask and a radius.ChamferStrel3D Cross3DStrel 3D structuring element representing a 3x3x3 cross, that considers the center voxel together with the six orthogonal neighbors.Cross3x3Strel Structuring element representing a 3x3 cross, that considers the center pixels together with the four orthogonal neighbors.CubeStrel A cubic structuring element, obtained by decomposition into linear structuring elements with the same size along each dimension.CuboidStrel A cuboid structuring element, obtained by decomposition into linear structuring elements (that can have different sizes) along each dimension.DiamondStrel Structuring element representing a diamond of a given diameter.DiskStrel Disk structuring element.EllipsoidStrel A 3D structuring element with an ellipsoidal shape, oriented along the three main axes of the image.ExtrudedStrel Creates a 3D strel by replicating a 2D strel on a given number of slices.LinearDepthStrel3D An horizontal linear structuring element of a given length.LinearDiagDownStrel A diagonal linear structuring element of a given length, with direction vector (+1,+1) in image coordinate system.LinearDiagUpStrel A diagonal linear structuring element of a given length, with direction vector (+1,-1) in image coordinate system.LinearHorizontalStrel An horizontal linear structuring element of a given length.LinearVerticalStrel A vertical linear structuring element of a given length.LocalBufferedHistogram Local histogram in a linear neighborhood of a pixel.LocalExtremumBufferDouble Computes the maximum in a local buffer around current point.LocalExtremumBufferGray8 Computes the maximum in a local buffer around current point.OctagonStrel An Octagonal structuring element, obtained by decomposition into horizontal, vertical, and diagonal linear structuring elements.ShiftedCross3x3Strel Structuring element representing a 3x3 cross, that considers the reference pixel together with four neighbors located either on the left or on the right of the reference pixel.SquareStrel A square structuring element, obtained by decomposition into horizontal and vertical linear structuring elements with the same size. -
Enum Summary Enum Description LocalExtremum.Type An enumeration of the types of possible extremum.