All Classes
Class | Description |
AbstractInPlaceStrel |
Implementation stub for in place Structuring elements.
AbstractInPlaceStrel3D |
Implementation stub for in place 3D Structuring elements.
AbstractSeparableStrel |
Implementation stub for separable Structuring elements.
AbstractSeparableStrel3D |
Implementation stub for separable 3D Structuring elements.
AbstractStrel |
Implementation basis for planar structuring elements.
AbstractStrel3D |
Implementation basis for 3D structuring elements
Algo |
An interface for managing progression and status changes of algorithms.
AlgoEvent |
An event class for storing information about the status and progression of
an algorithm.
AlgoListener |
Interface for managing progression and status changes of an algorithm.
AlgoStub |
A minimal implementation of algorithm for managing progression listeners.
AnalyzeMicrostructure3D |
Plugin for computing densities of 3D intrinsic volumes (volume, surface area,
mean breadth and Euler number) from 3D binary images.
AnalyzeRegions |
Plugin for computing morphological feature of regions from label images.
AnalyzeRegions.Features |
The list of features to compute.
AnalyzeRegions3D |
Plugin for measuring geometric quantities such as volume, surface area,
and eventually sphericity index.
AngleDiameterPair |
Data structure used to return result of Feret diameters computation.
AreaOpening |
Area opening for gray level images.
AreaOpeningNaive |
Computes area opening using naive algorithm.
AreaOpeningPlugin |
Select binary particles in a planar image based on number of pixels.
AreaOpeningQueue |
Area opening using priority queue for updating each regional maxima.
AttributeFiltering |
Several static methods for computation of attribute filtering (opening,
thinning...) on gray level images.
AverageThickness |
Compute average thickness of a binary region, or of each region in a label image.
AverageThicknessPlugin | |
BallStrel |
A 3D structuring element with a ball shape, with same size in each direction.
BinaryConfigurationsHistogram2D |
Computes histogram of binary configurations composed of 2-by-2 pixels (planar
BinaryConfigurationsHistogram3D |
Computes histogram of binary 2-by-2-by-2 configurations within a 3D image.
BinaryImages |
A collection of static methods for operating on binary images (2D/3D).
BinaryOrLabelOverlayPlugin |
Display a label map or a binary image as overlay onto a grayscale image.
BinaryOverlay |
Computes overlay of a binary image mask onto a grayscale or color image,
using the specified color.
BinaryOverlayPlugin | |
BlackTopHat |
Performs morphological black top-hat on 2D/3D images.
BorderManager |
Manages borders of an image, by providing methods for accessing values also
for position out of image bounds.
BorderManager.Type |
A set of pre-defined border managers stored in an enumeration.
BorderManager3D |
Manages borders of an image, by providing methods for accessing values also
for position out of image bounds.
BorderManager3D.Type |
A set of pre-defined border managers stored in an enumeration.
Boundary |
A boundary between several regions.
BoundarySet |
A list of boundaries, indexed by an integer label.
BoundingBox |
Compute bounding box of each region within a label or binary image.
BoundingBox3D |
Compute bounding box of each region within a label or binary image.
BoundingBox3DPlugin |
Plugin for measuring extend of 3D bounding box from label images.
BoundingBoxPlugin |
Plugin for computing (2D) bounding box of regions from label images.
Box2D |
A bounding Box in 2 dimensions.
Box3D |
A bounding Box in 3 dimensions.
BoxDiagonalOpeningQueue |
Area opening using priority queue for updating each regional maxima.
ByteStackWrapper |
Access the data of a 3D image containing gray8 values stored as bytes.
Centroid |
Computes centroid position of regions within binary or label images.
Centroid3D |
Computes centroid position of regions within 3D binary or label images.
ChamferDistanceMap3DPlugin |
Compute 3D distance map, with possibility to choose the chamfer mask, the
result type (integer or floating point), and to normalize result or not.
ChamferDistanceMapPlugin |
Compute distance map, with possibility to choose the chamfer mask, the result
type (integer or floating point), and to normalize result or not.
ChamferDistanceTransform2D |
Specialization of DistanceTransform based on the use of a chamfer mask.
ChamferDistanceTransform2D |
Specialization of DistanceTransform based on the use of a chamfer mask.
ChamferDistanceTransform2DFloat |
Computes distance transform on binary images by propagating distances using a
ChamferMask2D, and using 32-bits floating-point computation.
ChamferDistanceTransform2DFloat |
Computes distance transform by propagating distances using a ChamferMask2D,
and using 32-bits floating-point computation.
ChamferDistanceTransform2DShort |
Computes distance transform by propagating distances using a ChamferMask2D,
and using 16-bits integer computation.
ChamferDistanceTransform2DShort |
Computes distance transform by propagating distances using a ChamferMask2D,
and using 16-bits integer computation.
ChamferDistanceTransform3D |
Specialization of DistanceTransform based on the use of a chamfer mask.
ChamferDistanceTransform3D |
Specialization of DistanceTransform based on the use of a chamfer mask.
ChamferDistanceTransform3DFloat |
Computes 3D distance transform on binary images using the chamfer weights
provided by a ChamferMask3D object, and using 32-bits floating-point
ChamferDistanceTransform3DFloat |
Computes 3D distance transform using the chamfer weights provided by a
ChamferWeights3D object, and using floating-point computation.
ChamferDistanceTransform3DShort |
Computes 3D distance transform using the chamfer weights provided by a
ChamferMask3D object, and using 16-bits integer computation.
ChamferDistanceTransform3DShort |
Computes 3D distance transform on binary images using the chamfer weights
provided by a ChamferWeights3D object, and using 16-bits integer computation.
ChamferLabelDilation2DShort |
Apply a dilation by a specified radius to each label of a label map by
constraining the dilation.
ChamferLabelDilation3DShort |
Apply a dilation by a specified radius to each label of a label map by
constraining the dilation.
ChamferLabelErosion2DShort |
Implementation of morphological erosion for 2D label images / label maps.
ChamferLabelErosion3DShort |
Implementation of morphological erosion for 3D label images / label maps.
ChamferMask2D |
Chamfer masks defines a series of weights associated to neighbors of current
ChamferMask2D.FloatOffset |
The shift to a neighbor of a reference pixel, as a pair (dx,dy),
and the associated weights given as a float.
ChamferMask2D.ShortOffset |
The shift to a neighbor of a reference pixel, as a pair (dx,dy),
and the associated weights given as a short.
ChamferMask2DW2 |
Implementation of Chamfer Weights that manages two types of offsets,
corresponding to orthogonal and diagonal neighbors.
ChamferMask2DW2Float |
Implementation of Chamfer Weights that manages two types of offsets,
corresponding to orthogonal, and diagonal neighbors.
ChamferMask2DW3 |
Implementation of Chamfer Weights that manages three types of offsets types:
orthogonal, diagonal neighbors and "chess-knight move" neighbors.
ChamferMask2DW4 |
Implementation of 2D Chamfer mask that manages four types of offsets types.
ChamferMask3D |
A collection of weighted offsets for computing distance maps from 3D binary
ChamferMask3D.FloatOffset |
The shift to a neighbor of a reference voxel, as a triplet (dx,dy,dz),
and the associated weights given as a float.
ChamferMask3D.ShortOffset |
The shift to a neighbor of a reference voxel, as a triplet (dx,dy,dz),
and the associated weights given as a short.
ChamferMask3DW3 |
Implementation of Chamfer Weights for 3D images that manages three type
offset types, corresponding to orthogonal, square-diagonal and cube-diagonal
ChamferMask3DW3Float |
Implementation of Chamfer Weights for 3D images that manages three types of
offsets, corresponding to orthogonal, square-diagonal and cube-diagonal
ChamferMask3DW4 |
Implementation of Chamfer Weights for 3D images that manages four types of
ChamferMask3DW5 |
Implementation of Chamfer Weights for 3D images that manages five types of
ChamferMask3DW6 |
Implementation of Chamfer Weights for 3D images that manages six types of
offsets (all the possibilities in a 5-by-5-by-5 neighborhood).
ChamferMasks2D |
A pre-defined set of weights that can be used to compute distance transform
using chamfer approximations of euclidean metric.
ChamferMasks3D |
A pre-defined set of weights that can be used to compute 3D distance
transform using chamfer approximations of euclidean metric.
ChamferStrel |
Disk-shaped structuring element based on a chamfer mask and a radius.
ChamferStrel3D | |
ChamferWeights | Deprecated.
replaced by inra.ijpb.binary.distmap.ChamferMask2D (since 1.5.0)
ChamferWeights3D | Deprecated.
replaced by inra.ijpb.binary.distmap.ChamferMask2D (since 1.5.0)
ChamferWeights3D.FloatOffset | Deprecated. |
ChamferWeights3D.ShortOffset | Deprecated. |
Circle2D |
Contains data for representing circle in the 2D plane.
Closing |
Performs morphological closing on 2D/3D images.
ColorImages |
A set of static methods for working with color images.
ColorMaps |
Contains static methods for creating common color maps.
ColorMaps | Deprecated.
use inra.ijpb.color.ColorMaps instead (v1.4.3)
ColorMaps.CommonLabelMaps |
A collection of color maps useful for displaying label images.
CommonColors |
A collection of common colors used for creating overlays, choosing background
CommonColors | Deprecated.
use inra.ijpb.color.CommonColors instead (v1.4.3)
ConnectedComponents | Deprecated.
all methods have been moved to the BinaryImages class
ConnectedComponentsLabeling |
Computes labels corresponding to connected components in input image.
ConnectedComponentsLabeling3D |
Computes labels corresponding to connected components in input 3D image.
Connectivity2D |
An enumeration of connectivity options for 2D Mathematical Morphology
Connectivity3D |
An enumeration of connectivity options for 3D Mathematical Morphology
ConstantBorder |
Returns either image pixel when position is inside image bounds,
or a constant value when position is outside of image bounds.
ConstantBorder3D |
Returns either image pixel when position is inside image bounds, or a
constant value when position is outside of image bounds.
ConvexifyPlugin |
Computes the Convex equivalent of a binary image.
Convexity |
Computes convex area and convexity for regions within a binary or label
CropLabelPlugin |
Crops a label image and binarize it to contain only the specified label.
Cross3DStrel |
3D structuring element representing a 3x3x3 cross, that considers the
center voxel together with the six orthogonal neighbors.
Cross3x3Strel |
Structuring element representing a 3x3 cross, that considers the center
pixels together with the four orthogonal neighbors.
CubeStrel |
A cubic structuring element, obtained by decomposition into linear
structuring elements with the same size along each dimension.
CuboidStrel |
A cuboid structuring element, obtained by decomposition into linear
structuring elements (that can have different sizes) along each dimension.
Cursor2D |
A simple class to record the coordinates a pixel in a 2D image.
Cursor3D |
Identifies the position of a voxel in a 3D image by using 3 integer coordinates.
DefaultAlgoListener |
Utility class that catches algorithm events and displays them on ImageJ
main Frame.
DiamondStrel |
Structuring element representing a diamond of a given diameter.
DilateLabelsPlugin |
Dilate all labels within a label image.
Dilation |
Performs morphological dilation on 2D/3D images.
DirectionalFilter |
Directional filtering of planar images.
DirectionalFilter.Operation |
A pre-defined set of operations.
DirectionalFilter.Type |
Specifies how to combine the different orientations: min or max.
DirectionalFilteringPlugin |
Plugin for computing directional filtering.
DiskStrel |
Disk structuring element.
DistanceTransform |
Interface for computing distance maps from binary images.
DistanceTransform2D |
Interface for computing distance maps for 2D label images.
DistanceTransform3D |
Interface for computing distance maps from binary 3D images.
DistanceTransform3D |
Interface for computing distance maps for 3D label images.
DistanceTransform3D4WeightsFloat | Deprecated.
replaced by ChamferDistanceTransform3DFloat (since 1.5.0)
DistanceTransform3D4WeightsShort | Deprecated.
replaced by ChamferDistanceTransform3DShort (since 1.5.0)
DistanceTransform3DFloat | Deprecated.
replaced by ChamferDistanceTransform3DFloat (since 1.5.0)
DistanceTransform3DFloat | Deprecated.
replaced by ChamferDistanceTransform3DFloat (since 1.4.4)
DistanceTransform3DShort | Deprecated.
replaced by ChamferDistanceTransform3DShort (since 1.5.0)
DistanceTransform3DShort | Deprecated.
replaced by ChamferDistanceTransform3DShort (since 1.4.4)
DistanceTransform3x3Float | Deprecated.
replaced by ChamferDistanceTransform2DFloat (since 1.5.0)
DistanceTransform3x3Short | Deprecated.
replaced by ChamferDistanceTransform2DShort (since 1.5.0)
DistanceTransform5x5Float | Deprecated.
replaced by ChamferDistanceTransform2DFloat (since 1.5.0)
DistanceTransform5x5Short | Deprecated.
replaced by ChamferDistanceTransform2DShort (since 1.5.0)
DistanceTransformWatershed |
This plugin computes watershed on the inverse of the distance map of a
binary image.
DistanceTransformWatershed3D |
This plugin computes watershed on the inverse of the distance map of a 3D
binary image.
DrawLabelsAsOverlayPlugin |
Draw the labels of the regions as overlay.
DrawTableValuesPlugin |
Draw the values of a results table column into current image, using specified
columns for x and y positions.
Ellipse |
Represents a 2D ellipse.
Ellipsoid |
An ellipsoid in the 3D space, defined by a center, three radius, and three
orientation angles.
EllipsoidStrel |
A 3D structuring element with an ellipsoidal shape, oriented along the three
main axes of the image.
EquivalentEllipse |
Compute parameters of equivalent ellipse from binar or label images.
EquivalentEllipsePlugin |
Computes equivalent ellipse of each region within a label image.
EquivalentEllipsoid |
Compute the parameters of 3D ellipsoids that has the same moments up to the
second order than the region(s) within a 3D binary / label image.
EquivalentEllipsoidPlugin |
Computes equivalent ellipsoid for each region with a binary or label 3D
Erosion |
Performs morphological erosion on 2D/3D images.
ExpandLabelsPlugin |
Creates a new image larger than the original one, and copies each label identically
but shifted by a given dilation coefficient.
ExtendBordersPlugin |
Pads the current image with the specified value or color.
ExtendedMinAndMax3DPlugin |
Plugin for computing regional minima and maxima in grayscale images.
ExtendedMinAndMax3DPlugin.Operation |
A customized enumeration to choose between extended minima or maxima.
ExtendedMinAndMaxPlugin |
Plugin for computing extended minima and maxima in grayscale images.
ExtendedMinAndMaxPlugin.Operation |
A customized enumeration to choose between extended minima or maxima.
ExtendedMinimaWatershed |
Static methods for directly computing result of watershed after imposition of
extended minima.
ExternalGradient |
Performs morphological external gradient on 2D/3D images.
ExtremaType |
One of the two types of extrema.
ExtrudedStrel |
Creates a 3D strel by replicating a 2D strel on a given number of slices.
FeretDiameters |
Utility methods for computing Feret diameters
FillHolesPlugin |
Plugin for filling holes (dark holes within bright structures) in 8-bits
grayscale or binary 2D/3D images.
FillLabelHolesPlugin |
Fills the holes within the region of a label image.
FindAllLabels |
Extract the set of unique labels existing in the given image, excluding the
value zero (used for background).
FloatStackWrapper |
Access the data of a 3D image containing intensity values stored as float.
FloodFill |
Implements various flood-fill algorithms, for planar images.
FloodFill3D |
Implements various flood-fill algorithms for 3D stacks.
FloodFillComponentsLabeling |
Computes the labels of the connected components in a binary image.
FloodFillComponentsLabeling3D |
Computes the labels of the connected components in a 3D binary image.
FloodFillRegionComponentsLabeling |
Computes the labels of the different connected components of a region within
a label image.
FloodFillRegionComponentsLabeling3D |
Computes the labels of the different connected components of a region within
a 3D label image.
GeodesicDiameter | Deprecated.
since 1.3.5, use inra.ijpb.measure.region2d.GeodesicDiameter instead
GeodesicDiameter |
Computes geodesic diameter of a set of labeled particles or regions, using an
inner instance of
GeodesicDistanceTransform for propagating chamfer distances. |
GeodesicDiameter3D | Deprecated.
since 1.3.5, use inra.ijpb.measure.region3d.GeodesicDiameter3D instead
GeodesicDiameter3D |
Computes the 3D geodesic diameters of regions within a 3D binary or label
images using floating point computation for propagating distances.
GeodesicDiameter3DFloat | Deprecated.
replaced by inra.ijpb.measure.region3d.GeodesicDiameter3D
GeodesicDiameter3DPlugin |
Plugin for computing geodesic distances of 3D particles from label images
using chamfer weights.
GeodesicDiameterFloat | Deprecated.
since 1.3.5, use inra.ijpb.measure.region2d.GeodesicDiameter instead
GeodesicDiameterPlugin |
Plugin for computing geodesic distances of labeled particles using chamfer
GeodesicDiameterShort | Deprecated.
since 1.3.5, use inra.ijpb.measure.region2d.GeodesicDiameter instead
GeodesicDistanceMap3D | Deprecated.
use GeodesicDistanceMap3DPlugin instead
GeodesicDistanceMap3DPlugin |
Plugin for computing geodesic distance map from binary 3D images using
chamfer weights.
GeodesicDistanceMapPlugin |
Plugin for computing geodesic distance map from binary marker and constrained
to binary or label images using chamfer distances propagation.
GeodesicDistanceTransform |
Interface for computing Geodesic distance transforms (or geodesic distance
maps) from binary images.
GeodesicDistanceTransform3D |
Interface for computing Geodesic distance transforms (or geodesic distance
maps) from binary images.
GeodesicDistanceTransform3DFloat |
Computation of geodesic distance transform for 3D images, using floating
point computation.
GeodesicDistanceTransformFloat |
Computation of Chamfer geodesic distances using floating point array for
storing result.
GeodesicDistanceTransformFloat5x5 | Deprecated.
replaced by GeodesicDistanceTransformFloat (since 1.4.4)
GeodesicDistanceTransformFloatHybrid |
Computation of geodesic distances based on a chamfer mask using floating point
array for storing result.
GeodesicDistanceTransformShort |
Computation of geodesic distances based on a chamfer mask using short integer
array for storing result.
GeodesicDistanceTransformShort5x5 | Deprecated.
replaced by GeodesicDistanceTransformShort (since 1.5.0)
GeodesicDistanceTransformShortHybrid |
Computation of geodesic distances based on a chamfer mask using short integer
array for storing result.
GeodesicReconstruction | Deprecated.
replaced by the Reconstruction class (2017.07.25)
GeodesicReconstruction3D | Deprecated.
replaced by the Reconstruction class (2017.07.25)
GeodesicReconstruction3DAlgo |
Defines the interface for geodesic reconstruction algorithms applied to
3D stack images.
GeodesicReconstruction3DAlgoStub |
Implementation basis for geodesic reconstruction algorithms for 3D images.
GeodesicReconstruction3DHybrid0Float |
Geodesic reconstruction for 3D stacks of floats, using hybrid algorithm.
GeodesicReconstruction3DHybrid0Gray16 |
Geodesic reconstruction for 3D stacks of shorts, using hybrid algorithm.
GeodesicReconstruction3DHybrid0Gray8 |
Geodesic reconstruction for 3D stacks of bytes, using hybrid algorithm.
GeodesicReconstruction3DHybrid1Image3D |
Geodesic reconstruction for 3D stacks of any type, using hybrid algorithm and
Image3D access class.
GeodesicReconstructionAlgo |
Defines the interface for geodesic reconstructions algorithms applied to
planar images.
GeodesicReconstructionAlgoStub |
Implementation basis for geodesic reconstruction algorithms for planar images.
GeodesicReconstructionByDilation |
Geodesic reconstruction by dilation for planar images.
GeodesicReconstructionByDilation3D |
Geodesic reconstruction by dilation for 3D images of any type, using scanning
algorithm and implemented only for C26 connectivity.
GeodesicReconstructionByDilation3DGray8 |
Geodesic reconstruction by dilation for 3D stacks of byte processors, using
hybrid algorithm and implemented only for 26 connectivity.
GeodesicReconstructionByDilation3DScanning |
Geodesic reconstruction by dilation for 3D stacks using scanning algorithm,
and Image3D access class.
GeodesicReconstructionByDilation3DScanningGray8 |
Geodesic reconstruction by dilation for 3D stacks of byte processors, using
scanning algorithm.
GeodesicReconstructionByErosion |
Geodesic reconstruction by erosion for integer images.
GeodesicReconstructionByErosion3DGray8 |
Geodesic reconstruction by erosion for 3D stacks of byte processors, using
hybrid algorithm and implemented only for the 26 connectivity.
GeodesicReconstructionByErosion3DScanning |
Geodesic reconstruction by erosion for 3D stacks using scanning algorithm,
and Image3D access class.
GeodesicReconstructionByErosion3DScanningGray8 |
Geodesic reconstruction by erosion for 3D stacks of byte processors, using
scanning algorithm.
GeodesicReconstructionHybrid |
Geodesic reconstruction for planar images, using hybrid algorithm.
GeodesicReconstructionScanning |
Geodesic reconstruction for planar images, using scanning algorithm.
GeodesicReconstructionType |
Enumeration of the two different types of geodesic reconstruction.
GeometricMeasures2D | Deprecated.
use IntrinsicVolumes2D instead
GeometricMeasures3D | Deprecated.
use IntrinsicVolumes3D instead
GeometryUtils |
Some utilities for geometric computations.
Gradient |
Performs morphological gradient, also known as "Beucher Gradient", on 2D/3D
GrayscaleAreaOpeningPlugin |
Select binary particles in a planar image based on number of pixels.
GrayscaleAttributeFiltering3D |
Plugin to perform between attribute opening, closing, and black or white
top-hat on a 3D grayscale image.
GrayscaleAttributeFilteringPlugin |
Select binary particles in a planar image based on number of pixels.
GrayscaleBoxDiameterOpeningPlugin |
Select binary particles in a planar image based on number of pixels.
IJUtils |
A collection of utility methods for interacting with ImageJ.
Image3D |
Interface for accessing the values of a 3D stack.
ImageCalculator |
Provides some methods for combining two images, in a more comprehensive way
than standard ImageJ, and providing the possibility of defining its own local
ImageCalculator.Operation |
General interface for defining an operation that combines the values of
two pixels to create a new one.
ImageJSkeleton |
Adaptation of the skeletonization code from ImageJ.
Images3D |
A collection of static methods for working on 3D images.
ImageShape |
A collection of utility method for processing global shape of images: crop, add borders...
ImageUtils |
A collection of static utility methods for processing 2D or 3D images.
ImposeMinAndMax3DPlugin |
Plugin for imposing minima or maxima on a grayscale 3D image, using a specific
ImposeMinAndMax3DPlugin.Operation |
A customized enumeration to choose between minima or maxima imposition.
ImposeMinAndMaxPlugin |
Plugin for imposing minima or maxima on a grayscale image, using a specific
ImposeMinAndMaxPlugin.Operation |
A customized enumeration to choose between minima or maxima imposition.
InertiaEllipse | Deprecated.
Replaced by EquivalentEllipse (since 1.4.2)
InertiaEllipsePlugin | Deprecated.
replaced by EquivalentEllipsePlugin (since 1.4.2).
InertiaEllipsoid | Deprecated.
replaced by EquivalentEllipsoid (since 1.4.1)
InertiaEllipsoidPlugin | Deprecated.
replaced by EquivalentEllipsoidPlugin (since 1.4.1)
InPlaceStrel |
A structuring element that can performs erosion or dilation directly in the
original image buffer.
InPlaceStrel3D |
A structuring element that can performs erosion or dilation directly in the
original image stack.
IntensityMeasures |
Class to facilitate the calculation of intensity measures by
grouping together voxels belonging to the same label.
IntensityMeasures3D |
This class implements a set of photometric (intensity) measurements over
an input grayscale image (2D or 3D) and its set of corresponding labels.
InteractiveGeodesicDistanceMap |
Plugin for computing geodesic distance map from binary images using chamfer
InteractiveMarkerControlledWatershed |
Plugin to perform automatic segmentation of 2D and 3D images
using marker-controlled watershed with manually selected seeds.
InteractiveMarkerControlledWatershed.ResultMode |
enumeration of result modes
InteractiveMorphologicalReconstruction |
Plugin for performing interactive morphological reconstruction by dilation or
by erosion on grayscale images.
InteractiveMorphologicalReconstruction3D |
Plugin for performing interactive geodesic reconstruction by dilation erosion
on grayscale images.
InterfaceSurfaceArea |
Computes the surface area of the interface between two labels.
InterfaceSurfaceArea3D |
Plugin for measuring the surface area of the interface between two labels
within a 3D label image.
InternalGradient |
Computes the morphological internal gradient of the input image.
IntrinsicVolumes2D |
Computation of intrinsic volumes(area, perimeter, Euler number) in planar
binary or label images.
IntrinsicVolumes2DUtils |
Utility functions for classes that compute 2D intrinsic volumes measures.
IntrinsicVolumes3D |
Collection of static classes for the computation of intrinsic volumes
(volume, surface area, mean breadth and Euler number) for binary or label 3D
IntrinsicVolumes3DUtils |
Utility functions for classes that compute 3D intrinsic volumes measures.
IntrinsicVolumesAnalyzer2D |
Computation of intrinsic volumes (area, perimeter and Euler number) for
binary or label 2D images.
IntrinsicVolumesAnalyzer3D |
Computation of intrinsic volumes (Volume, Surface Area, Mean Breadth and
Euler Number) for 3D binary or label images, based on the
RegionAnalyzer3D interface. |
KeepLargestLabelPlugin |
Removes all the labels in a 2D/3D image but the largest one.
KeepLargestRegionPlugin |
Removes all the regions in a binary 2D or 3D image but the largest one.
KillBordersPlugin |
Plugin for removing borders in 8-bits grayscale or binary 2D or 3D image.
LabelAreaOpeningPlugin | |
LabelBoundariesLabeling2D |
Computes a label map of the boundaries between regions from a label map.
LabelBoundariesLabeling3D |
Computes a label map of the boundaries between regions from a label map.
LabelBoundariesPlugin | |
LabelDilation2DShort | Deprecated.
replaced by inra.ijpb.label.filter.ChamferLabelDilation2DShort
LabelDilation3D4WShort | Deprecated.
replaced by LabelDilation3DShort (since 1.4.4)
LabelDilation3DShort | Deprecated.
replaced by inra.ijpb.label.filter.ChamferLabelDilation3DShort
LabelDilationShort5x5 | Deprecated.
replaced by LabelDilation2DShort (since 1.5.0)
LabelEdition |
Plugin for the manual edition of label images (2D and 3D).
LabeledVoxelsMeasure |
Mother class to extract measures from pairs of grayscale and
labeled images.
LabelImages |
Utility methods for label images (stored as 8-, 16- or 32-bits).
LabelImages | Deprecated.
as from 2014.11.03, replaced by class inra.ijpb.label.LabelImages
LabelingPlugin |
Computes label image of connected components in a binary planar image or 3D
LabelMapMorphologicalFilteringPlugin |
Applies morphological filtering on a label image.
LabelMapMorphologicalFilteringPlugin.Operation |
A pre-defined set of basis morphological operations, that can be easily
used with a GenericDialog.
LabelOverlapMeasures |
This class implements a plugin to calculate overlap measurements over
an source and a target label image (2D or 3D).
LabelSizeFiltering |
Filter labels using a size criterion.
LabelSizeFilteringPlugin |
Filter labels within a label image using a size criterion.
LabelSizeFilteringPlugin.Operation |
A pre-defined set of Labels for populating plugin.
LabelToRgbPlugin |
Creates a new Color Image that associate a given color to each label of the input image.
LabelToValuePlugin |
Combines a label image and the values within a column of a results table to
create a new image with intensity corresponding to the vales in the table
LabelUtils |
A collection of utility methods for working with label images.
LabelValues |
Utility methods for combining label images and intensity images.
LabelValues.Position3DValuePair |
Inner class for storing a value associated to a 3D position.
LabelValues.PositionValuePair |
Inner class for storing a value associated to a 2D position.
Laplacian |
Computes the morphological Laplacian of the input image.
LargestInscribedBall |
Computes the largest inscribed ball for each region of a label or binary
LargestInscribedCircle |
Computes the largest inscribed circle for each region of a label or binary
LinearDepthStrel3D |
An horizontal linear structuring element of a given length.
LinearDiagDownStrel |
A diagonal linear structuring element of a given length, with direction
vector (+1,+1) in image coordinate system.
LinearDiagUpStrel |
A diagonal linear structuring element of a given length, with direction
vector (+1,-1) in image coordinate system.
LinearHorizontalStrel |
An horizontal linear structuring element of a given length.
LinearVerticalStrel |
A vertical linear structuring element of a given length.
LocalBufferedHistogram |
Local histogram in a linear neighborhood of a pixel.
LocalExtremum |
Computes the extremum in a local sliding neighborhood of the current pixel.
LocalExtremum.Type |
An enumeration of the types of possible extremum.
LocalExtremumBufferDouble |
Computes the maximum in a local buffer around current point.
LocalExtremumBufferGray8 |
Computes the maximum in a local buffer around current point.
MarkerControlledWatershed3DPlugin |
A plugin to perform marker-controlled watershed on a 2D or 3D image.
MarkerControlledWatershedTransform2D |
Marker-controlled version of the watershed transform in 2D.
MarkerControlledWatershedTransform3D |
Marker-controlled version of the watershed transform (works for 2D and 3D images).
MaxFeretDiameter |
Computes maximum Feret Diameter for each region of a binary or label image.
MaxFeretDiameter3D |
Computes maximum Feret Diameter for each region of a 3D binary or label
MaxFeretDiameterPlugin |
Computes Maximum Feret Diameters of a binary or label image.
MaxInscribedCirclePlugin |
Plugin for max inscribed circle of regions from label images.
MaxInscribedSpherePlugin |
Plugin for computing largest inscribed balls within 3D regions.
MergeLabelsPlugin | |
MicrostructureAnalysisPlugin |
Plugin for quantifying microstructures from binary or label images.
MinimaAndMaxima |
A collection of static methods for computing regional and extended minima
and maxima.
MinimaAndMaxima3D |
A collection of static methods for computing regional and extended minima and
maxima on 3D stacks.
MirroringBorder |
Periodic border that considers image is mirrored indefinitely in all
MirroringBorder3D |
Periodic border that considers image is mirrored indefinitely in all
MorphologicalFilter |
Base class for morphological filters, based on a structuring element.
MorphologicalFilter3DPlugin |
Various morphological filters for 3D images.
MorphologicalFilterCross3DPlugin |
A simple plugin to test the Cross 3D strel.
MorphologicalFilterPlugin |
Plugin for computing various morphological filters on gray scale or color
MorphologicalReconstruction3DPlugin |
Plugin for performing geodesic reconstruction by dimation or by erosion on
grayscale images.
MorphologicalReconstruction3DPlugin.Operation |
A pre-defined set of operations for geodesic reconstruction.
MorphologicalReconstructionPlugin |
Plugin for performing morphological reconstruction by dilation or by erosion
on grayscale images.
MorphologicalReconstructionPlugin.Operation |
A pre-defined set of operations for geodesic reconstruction.
MorphologicalSegmentation |
Plugin to perform automatic segmentation of 2D and 3D images
based on morphological operations, mainly extended minima
and watershed transforms.
MorphologicalSegmentation.ResultMode |
enumeration of result modes
Morphology |
Collection of static methods for morphological filters,
as well as an enumeration of available methods.
Morphology.Operation |
A pre-defined set of basis morphological operations, that can be easily
used with a GenericDialog.
Neighborhood2D |
Defines a neighborhood around a pixel in a 2D image.
Neighborhood2DC4 |
Defines the four-neighborhood for pixels in a 2D image.
Neighborhood2DC8 |
Defines the eight-neighborhood for pixels in a 2D image.
Neighborhood3D |
Defines a neighborhood around a voxel in a 3D image.
Neighborhood3DC26 |
Defines the 26-neighborhood around a voxel in a 3D image.
Neighborhood3DC6 |
Defines the 6-neighborhood around a voxel in a 3D image.
NeighborLabelsPlugin |
Extract the neighbor regions within a label image from a region label, or a
list of region labels.
OctagonStrel |
An Octagonal structuring element, obtained by decomposition into horizontal,
vertical, and diagonal linear structuring elements.
Opening |
Performs morphological opening on 2D/3D images.
OrientedBoundingBox2D | |
OrientedBoundingBoxPlugin |
Plugin for computing oriented bounding box.
OrientedBox2D |
An oriented Box in 2 dimensions, used to store results of oriented bounding box.
OrientedLineStrel |
A linear structuring element, defined by a length and an orientation.
OrientedLineStrelFactory |
Factory for oriented linear structuring elements.
OrientedStrelFactory |
Factory for generating oriented structuring elements.
ParticleAnalysis3DPlugin | Deprecated.
replaced by AnalyzeRegions3D
PeriodicBorder |
Periodic border that considers image is repeated indefinitely in all
PeriodicBorder3D |
Periodic border that considers image is repeated indefinitely in all
PixelRecord |
Class to store integer pixel coordinates and its
corresponding double value
Point3D |
A point in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space, defined by x, y, and z coordinates.
PointPair2D |
A pair of points in the plane, useful for representing result of Max Feret
Diameter computation or similar problems.
PointPair3D |
A pair of points in the 3D space, useful for representing result of Max Feret
Diameter computation or similar problems.
Polygon2D |
A polygon shape in the plane.
Polygons2D |
A set of static methods operating on polygons.
Reconstruction |
Morphological reconstruction for grayscale or binary images.
Reconstruction3D |
Morphological reconstruction for 8-bits grayscale or binary stacks.
RegionAdjacencyGraph |
Contains several methods for extracting the set of adjacencies between
regions in a label image.
RegionAdjacencyGraph.LabelPair |
Used to stores the adjacency information between two regions.
RegionAdjacencyGraphPlugin | |
RegionalExtrema3DAlgo |
Interface for computing regional extrema (regional minima and regional maxima).
RegionalExtrema3DByFlooding |
Computes regional extrema in 3D images using flooding algorithm.
RegionalExtremaAlgo |
Interface for appying regional extrema (regional minima and maxima).
RegionalExtremaByFlooding |
Computes regional extrema in planar images using flooding algorithm.
RegionalMinAndMax3DPlugin |
Plugin for computing regional minima and maxima in grayscale images.
RegionalMinAndMax3DPlugin.Operation |
A customized enumeration to choose between regional minima or maxima.
RegionalMinAndMaxPlugin |
Plugin for computing regional minima and maxima in grayscale images.
RegionalMinAndMaxPlugin.Operation |
A customized enumeration to choose between regional minima or maxima.
RegionAnalyzer<T> |
Common interface for classes devoted to the extraction of information from
each region of label or binary image.
RegionAnalyzer2D<T> |
Base implementation of RegionAnalyzer interface for planar binary/label
RegionAnalyzer3D<T> |
Base implementation of RegionAnalyzer interface for 3D binary/label
RegionBoundaries |
Utility functions for computing position of boundary points/corners of
regions within binary or label images.
RegionBoundaries3D |
Utility functions for computing position of boundary points/corners of
regions within 3D binary or label images.
RegionBoundariesLabelingPlugin | |
RegionMorphometryPlugin | Deprecated.
replaced by AnalyzeRegions
RelationalOperator |
Implementation of a relational operator that computes a boolean value from
two scalar input values.
RemapLabelsPlugin |
Ensures the labels in the current label image are numbered between 1 and
LMax, where LMax is the number of labels.
RemoveBorderLabelsPlugin |
Removes all labels that touch the selected border, and replace them with value 0.
RemoveLargestLabelPlugin |
Removes all the labels in a 2D/3D image but the largest one.
RemoveLargestRegionPlugin |
Removes the largest region of a binary 2D or 3D image.
ReplaceLabelValues |
Provides several methods for replacing label values within a label map
(stored as 8-, 16- or 32-bits).
ReplaceLabelValuesPlugin |
Replaces the value of selected label(s) by a given value,
for 2D/3D images, for gray8, gray16 and float images.
ReplaceValuePlugin |
Simple plugin to replace a value by another one, for 2D/3D images, for
gray8, gray16 and float images.
ReplicatedBorder |
Assess pixel outside image bounds have same value as the closest pixel
on image border.
ReplicatedBorder3D |
Assess pixel outside image bounds have same value as the closest pixel on
image border.
ResultsBuilder |
Builder-type class to hold results
Basically it will keep appending results to a larger results table
Built in a way where we can chain them together
SelectLabelsPlugin |
Creates a new binary image containing only the selected label(s).
SeparableStrel |
Interface for structuring elements that can be decomposed into several
"simpler" structuring elements.
SeparableStrel3D |
Interface for structuring elements that can be decomposed into several
"simpler" structuring elements.
SetLabelMapPlugin |
Changes the current LUT such that each label is associated to a different
color, and specifies color of background.
ShiftedCross3x3Strel |
Structuring element representing a 3x3 cross, that considers the reference
pixel together with four neighbors located either on the left or on the
right of the reference pixel.
ShortStackWrapper |
Access the data of a 3D image containing gray16 values stored as short.
SizeOpening3D |
Size opening for 3D gray level images.
SizeOpening3DQueue |
Volume opening on 3D grayscale image using priority queue for updating each
3D regional maxima.
SizeOpeningPlugin |
Select binary particles in a 2D or 3D image based on number of pixels.
Sphere |
Contains data for representing sphere in the 3D space.
SquareStrel |
A square structuring element, obtained by decomposition into horizontal
and vertical linear structuring elements with the same size.
StraightLine2D |
A straight line in the plane.
Strel |
Interface for planar structuring elements.
Strel.Shape |
An enumeration of the different possible structuring element shapes.
Strel3D |
Structuring element that process 3D stack.
Strel3D.Shape |
An enumeration of the different possible structuring element shapes.
Threshold |
Static methods for thresholding images.
Vector2D |
Represents a couple of coordinates in linear space, and provides some
computing methods.
Vector3d | Deprecated.
since 1.3.6, replaced by inra.ijpb.geometry.Vector3D
Vector3D |
Represents a triplet of coordinates in linear space, and provides some
computing methods.
VoxelRecord |
Class to store integer voxel coordinates and its
corresponding double value
Watershed |
Several static methods for computing watershed in 2D/3D images.
Watershed3DPlugin |
A plugin to perform watershed on a 3D image using flooding simulations,
as described by Soille, Pierre, and Luc M.
WatershedTransform2D |
Class to apply the watershed algorithm to a 2D image.
WatershedTransform3D |
Class to apply the watershed algorithm in 3D to an image.
WhiteTopHat |
Performs morphological White Top-Hat on 2D/3D images.