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p1 - Variable in class inra.ijpb.geometry.PointPair2D
The first point of the pair.
p1 - Variable in class inra.ijpb.geometry.PointPair3D
The first point of the pair.
p2 - Variable in class inra.ijpb.geometry.PointPair2D
The second point of the pair.
p2 - Variable in class inra.ijpb.geometry.PointPair3D
The second point of the pair.
parseLabelList(String) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.util.IJUtils
Extracts a list of integer labels from a string representation.
ParticleAnalysis3DPlugin - Class in inra.ijpb.plugins
replaced by AnalyzeRegions3D
ParticleAnalysis3DPlugin() - Constructor for class inra.ijpb.plugins.ParticleAnalysis3DPlugin
particleArea(ImageProcessor, int) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.measure.GeometricMeasures2D
path - Variable in class inra.ijpb.measure.region2d.GeodesicDiameter.Result
The largest geodesic path within the particle, joining the first and the second geodesic extremities.
perimeter - Variable in class inra.ijpb.measure.region2d.IntrinsicVolumesAnalyzer2D.Result
the perimeter of the region.
perimeter - Variable in class inra.ijpb.plugins.AnalyzeRegions.Features
The boolean flag for computing perimeter.
perimeter() - Method in class inra.ijpb.geometry.Circle2D
perimeter(ImageProcessor, Calibration, int) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.measure.IntrinsicVolumes2D
Measures the perimeter of the foreground region within a binary image.
perimeterDensity(ImageProcessor, double[], int) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.measure.GeometricMeasures2D
perimeterDensity(ImageProcessor, Calibration, int) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.measure.IntrinsicVolumes2D
Computes perimeter density of binary image.
perimeterLut(Calibration, int) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.measure.region2d.IntrinsicVolumes2DUtils
Computes the Look-up table that is used for computing perimeter.
perimeterLut(Calibration, int) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.measure.region2d.IntrinsicVolumesAnalyzer2D
use IntrinsicVolumes2DUtils instead
perimeters(ImageProcessor, int[], Calibration, int) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.measure.IntrinsicVolumes2D
Measures the perimeter of each region within a label image.
uses periodic boundary to populate border
uses periodic boundary to populate border
PeriodicBorder - Class in
Periodic border that considers image is repeated indefinitely in all directions.
PeriodicBorder(ImageProcessor) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Periodic Border Manager
PeriodicBorder3D - Class in
Periodic border that considers image is repeated indefinitely in all directions.
PeriodicBorder3D(ImageStack) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Periodic Border Manager
phi() - Method in class inra.ijpb.geometry.Ellipsoid
pixelCount - Variable in class inra.ijpb.plugins.AnalyzeRegions.Features
The boolean flag for computing pixel count.
pixelCount(ImagePlus, int[]) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.label.LabelImages
Computes the number of pixels (or voxels) composing each regions in the 2D or 3D label image.
pixelCount(ImageProcessor, int[]) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.label.LabelImages
Computes the number of pixels composing each particle in the label image.
PixelRecord - Class in
Class to store integer pixel coordinates and its corresponding double value
PixelRecord(int, int, double) - Constructor for class
Create pixel record with cursor position and double value
PixelRecord(Cursor2D, double) - Constructor for class
Create pixel record with cursor position and double value
plus(Vector2D) - Method in class inra.ijpb.geometry.Vector2D
Returns the result of the addition of this vector with another vector.
plus(Vector3D) - Method in class inra.ijpb.geometry.Vector3D
Returns the result of the addition of this vector with another vector.
plus(Vector3d) - Method in class inra.ijpb.measure.Vector3d
Returns the result of the addition of this vector with another vector.
PLUS - Static variable in interface inra.ijpb.math.ImageCalculator.Operation
Plus operator, that adds values of the two images
Point3D - Class in inra.ijpb.geometry
A point in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space, defined by x, y, and z coordinates.
Point3D() - Constructor for class inra.ijpb.geometry.Point3D
Creates a new point located at the origin.
Point3D(double, double, double) - Constructor for class inra.ijpb.geometry.Point3D
Creates a new point at the specified coordinates.
PointPair2D - Class in inra.ijpb.geometry
A pair of points in the plane, useful for representing result of Max Feret Diameter computation or similar problems.
PointPair2D(Point2D, Point2D) - Constructor for class inra.ijpb.geometry.PointPair2D
Creates a new point pair.
PointPair3D - Class in inra.ijpb.geometry
A pair of points in the 3D space, useful for representing result of Max Feret Diameter computation or similar problems.
PointPair3D(Point3D, Point3D) - Constructor for class inra.ijpb.geometry.PointPair3D
Creates a new 3D point pair.
Polygon2D - Class in inra.ijpb.geometry
A polygon shape in the plane.
Polygon2D() - Constructor for class inra.ijpb.geometry.Polygon2D
Creates a new empty polygon.
Polygon2D(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class inra.ijpb.geometry.Polygon2D
Creates a new polygon from the coordinates of its vertices.
Polygon2D(int) - Constructor for class inra.ijpb.geometry.Polygon2D
Creates a new empty polygon by allocating enough space for storing vertex coordinates.
Polygon2D(Collection<Point2D>) - Constructor for class inra.ijpb.geometry.Polygon2D
Creates a new polygon from a collection of vertices.
Polygons2D - Class in inra.ijpb.geometry
A set of static methods operating on polygons.
Position3DValuePair(Cursor3D, double) - Constructor for class inra.ijpb.label.LabelValues.Position3DValuePair
Creates a new Position3DValuePair instance based on a position and a value.
PositionValuePair(Point, double) - Constructor for class inra.ijpb.label.LabelValues.PositionValuePair
Creates a new PositionValuePair instance based on a position and a value.
print(ImageStack) - Static method in class
print(ImageStack) - Static method in class
Prints the content of the given 3D image on the console.
print(ColorProcessor) - Static method in class
Prints the content of the input color image on the console.
print(ImageProcessor) - Static method in class
Prints the content of the given ImageProcessor on the console.
printImage(ImageProcessor) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.util.IJUtils
process(ImagePlus) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.edit.FindAllLabels
Returns the set of unique labels existing in the given image, excluding the value zero (used for background).
process(ImagePlus) - Method in class
Applies size filtering on the input image.
process(ImagePlus) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.MorphologicalFilter
Applies the morphological filter to the input ImagePlus, and returns a new instance of ImagePlus.
process(ImagePlus) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.AnalyzeMicrostructure3D
Computes features from an ImagePlus object.
process(ImagePlus) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.AnalyzeRegions
replaced by static process(ImagePlus, Features) method
process(ImagePlus) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.AnalyzeRegions3D
Computes features from an ImagePlus object.
process(ImagePlus) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.ParticleAnalysis3DPlugin
Computes features from an ImagePlus object.
process(ImagePlus, float[], float) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.edit.ReplaceLabelValues
Replace all values specified in label array by the value 0.
process(ImagePlus, int) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.RegionMorphometryPlugin
Process the input image.
process(ImagePlus, int, boolean) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.MicrostructureAnalysisPlugin
Main body of the plugin.
process(ImagePlus, short[]) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.MaxInscribedCirclePlugin
use LargestInscribedCircle class instead
process(ImagePlus, ImagePlus, int, double, double) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.Watershed3DPlugin
Apply 3D watershed to a 2D or 3D image (it does work for 2D images too).
process(ImagePlus, ImagePlus, ImagePlus, int) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.MarkerControlledWatershed3DPlugin
Apply marker-controlled watershed to a grayscale 2D or 3D image.
process(ImagePlus, ImagePlus, ImagePlus, int, double) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.MarkerControlledWatershed3DPlugin
Apply marker-controlled watershed to a grayscale 2D or 3D image.
process(ImagePlus, ImagePlus, Color) - Method in class inra.ijpb.color.BinaryOverlay
Applies an overlay of a binary image mask onto a grayscale or color image, using the specified color.
process(ImagePlus, ImagePlus, String, float[], boolean) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.GeodesicDistanceMap3DPlugin
process(ImagePlus, ImagePlus, String, float[], boolean) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.GeodesicDistanceMapPlugin
process(ImagePlus, ImagePlus, String, ChamferMask2D, boolean, boolean) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.GeodesicDistanceMapPlugin
Computes the distance propagated from the boundary of the white particles, within the black phase.
process(ImagePlus, ImagePlus, String, ChamferMask3D, boolean) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.GeodesicDistanceMap3D
Computes the distance propagated from the boundary of the white particles, within the black phase.
process(ImagePlus, ImagePlus, String, ChamferMask3D, boolean) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.GeodesicDistanceMap3DPlugin
Computes the distance propagated from the boundary of the white particles, within the white phase.
process(ImagePlus, ResultsTable, String) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.LabelToValuePlugin
Combines a label image and the values within a column of a ResultsTable to generate a parametric map of values that associates to each pixel / voxel the value of the row associated to the label it belongs to.
process(ImagePlus, ResultsTable, String, double, double) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.LabelToValuePlugin
Combines a label image and the values within a column of a ResultsTable to generate a parametric map of values that associates to each pixel / voxel the value of the row associated to the label it belongs to.
process(ImagePlus, Morphology.Operation, Strel) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.MorphologicalFilterPlugin
Applies the specified morphological operation with specified structuring element to the input image.
process(ImagePlus, Morphology.Operation, Strel3D) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.MorphologicalFilter3DPlugin
Applies the given operation to the given image.
process(ImagePlus, Morphology.Operation, Strel3D) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.MorphologicalFilterCross3DPlugin
Applies the given operation to the given image.
process(ImagePlus, AnalyzeRegions.Features) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.AnalyzeRegions
Computes a set of descriptive features from a label image and concatenates the results into a ResultsTable.
process(ImageStack) - Method in interface inra.ijpb.binary.geodesic.GeodesicDiameter3D
computes geodesic diameter for each region of the input image.
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.binary.geodesic.GeodesicDiameter3DFloat
Computes the geodesic diameter of each particle within the given label image.
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.conncomp.LabelBoundariesLabeling3D
Computes boundary labeling on the specified label map of regions, and returns the result in a Result instance.
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.edit.FindAllLabels
Returns the set of unique labels existing in the given stack, excluding the value zero (used for background).
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.filter.ChamferLabelDilation3DShort
Computes dilation of labels within label image by a specified radius.
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.filter.ChamferLabelErosion3DShort
Apply morphological erosion of the labels within the specified input image.
process(ImageStack) - Method in class
Applies size filtering on the input 3D label image.
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.measure.region3d.BinaryConfigurationsHistogram3D
Applies a look-up-table for each of the 2x2x2 voxel configurations containing at least one voxel of the input binary image, and returns the sum of contributions for each label.
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.BlackTopHat
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.Closing
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.Dilation
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.Erosion
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.ExternalGradient
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.Gradient
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.InternalGradient
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.Laplacian
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.MorphologicalFilter
Apply filtering operation on the specified 3D image, and returns the result as a new instance of ImageStack.
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.Opening
process(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.WhiteTopHat
process(ImageStack, double) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.distmap.LabelDilation3D4WShort
Computes dilation of labels within label image by a specified radius.
process(ImageStack, double) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.distmap.LabelDilation3DShort
Computes dilation of labels within label image by a specified radius.
process(ImageStack, float[], float) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.edit.ReplaceLabelValues
Replace all values specified in label array by the specified value.
process(ImageStack, int) - Method in interface inra.ijpb.morphology.attrfilt.SizeOpening3D
Applies size opening on the input 3D grayscale image and returns the result.
process(ImageStack, int) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.attrfilt.SizeOpening3DQueue
process(ImageStack, int[]) - Method in class inra.ijpb.measure.region3d.BinaryConfigurationsHistogram3D
Applies a look-up-table for each of the 2x2x2 voxel configurations containing at least one voxel of the input image, and returns the sum of contributions for each label.
process(ImageStack, int[], int) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.edit.ReplaceLabelValues
Replace all values specified in label array by a new value.
process(ImageStack, int, int, int, int, int, int, BorderManager3D) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.ExtendBordersPlugin
replaced by method
process(ImageStack, int, int, Calibration) - Method in class inra.ijpb.measure.region3d.InterfaceSurfaceArea
Computes the interface surface area between two regions.
process(ImageStack, ImageStack, float[], boolean) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.GeodesicDistanceMap3DPlugin
process(ImageStack, ImageStack, ChamferMask3D, boolean) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.GeodesicDistanceMap3DPlugin
Computes the distance within the mask, starting from the marker image.
process(ImageStack, ImageStack, Color) - Method in class inra.ijpb.color.BinaryOverlay
Applies an overlay of a binary image mask onto a grayscale or color image, using the specified color.
process(ImageStack, Calibration) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.AnalyzeMicrostructure3D
Computes features from an ImageStack object, specifying the calibration.
process(ImageStack, Calibration) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.AnalyzeRegions3D
Computes features from an ImageStack object, specifying the calibration.
process(ImageStack, Calibration) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.ParticleAnalysis3DPlugin
Computes features from an ImageStack object, specifying the calibration.
process(ImageStack, ChamferMask3D, double) - Method in enum inra.ijpb.plugins.LabelMapMorphologicalFilteringPlugin.Operation
Applies the current operator to the input 3D image.
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.binary.skeleton.ImageJSkeleton
Computes the skeleton of the region within the binary image and returns the result in a new ImageProcessor.
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.conncomp.LabelBoundariesLabeling2D
Computes boundary labeling on the specified label map of regions, and returns the result in a Result instance.
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.edit.FindAllLabels
Returns the set of unique labels existing in the given image, excluding the value zero (used for background).
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.filter.ChamferLabelDilation2DShort
Computes dilation of labels within label image by a specified radius.
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.filter.ChamferLabelErosion2DShort
Apply morphological erosion of the labels within the specified input image.
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class
Applies size filtering on the input 2D label image.
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.measure.region2d.BinaryConfigurationsHistogram2D
Computes the histogram of binary configurations for the region within the input binary image.
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.directional.DirectionalFilter
Apply directional filter with current settings to the specified image.
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.BlackTopHat
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.Closing
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.Dilation
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.Erosion
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.ExternalGradient
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.Gradient
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.InternalGradient
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.Laplacian
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.MorphologicalFilter
Apply filtering operation on the specified image, and returns the result as a new instance of ImageProcessor.
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.Opening
process(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.filter.WhiteTopHat
process(ImageProcessor, double) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.distmap.LabelDilation2DShort
Computes dilation of labels within label image by a specified radius.
process(ImageProcessor, double) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.distmap.LabelDilationShort5x5
Computes dilation of labels within label image by a specified radius.
process(ImageProcessor, float[], float) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.edit.ReplaceLabelValues
Replace all values specified in label array by the value 0.
process(ImageProcessor, int) - Method in interface inra.ijpb.morphology.attrfilt.AreaOpening
Applies area opening on the input grayscale image and returns the result.
process(ImageProcessor, int) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.attrfilt.AreaOpeningNaive
process(ImageProcessor, int) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.attrfilt.AreaOpeningQueue
process(ImageProcessor, int) - Method in class inra.ijpb.morphology.attrfilt.BoxDiagonalOpeningQueue
process(ImageProcessor, int[]) - Method in class inra.ijpb.measure.region2d.BinaryConfigurationsHistogram2D
Computes the histogram of binary configurations for each region of the input label image.
process(ImageProcessor, int[], int) - Method in class inra.ijpb.label.edit.ReplaceLabelValues
Replace all values specified in label array by a new value.
process(ImageProcessor, int, int, int, int, BorderManager) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.ExtendBordersPlugin
replaced by method
process(ImageProcessor, Roi, float[], boolean) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.InteractiveGeodesicDistanceMap
process(ImageProcessor, Roi, short[], boolean) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.InteractiveGeodesicDistanceMap
process(ImageProcessor, Roi, ChamferMask2D, boolean, boolean) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.InteractiveGeodesicDistanceMap
Computes the distance propagated from the boundary of the white particles, within the white phase.
process(ImageProcessor, ImageProcessor, float[], boolean) - Method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.GeodesicDistanceMapPlugin
process(ImageProcessor, ImageProcessor, Color) - Method in class inra.ijpb.color.BinaryOverlay
Applies an overlay of a binary image mask onto a grayscale or color image, using the specified color.
process(ImageProcessor, ChamferMask2D, double) - Method in enum inra.ijpb.plugins.LabelMapMorphologicalFilteringPlugin.Operation
Applies the current operator to the input image.
process(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class inra.ijpb.plugins.LabelToValuePlugin
Process the current image as a label image using the provided string arguments.
processInnerFrame(ImageStack) - Method in class inra.ijpb.measure.region3d.BinaryConfigurationsHistogram3D
Applies a look-up-table for each of the 2x2x2 voxel configurations with all voxels within the input binary image, and returns the sum of contributions for each label.
processInnerFrame(ImageProcessor) - Method in class inra.ijpb.measure.region2d.BinaryConfigurationsHistogram2D
Applies a look-up-table for each of the 2x2 pixel configurations with all pixels within the input binary image, and returns the sum of contributions for each label.
psi() - Method in class inra.ijpb.geometry.Ellipsoid
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